The constant connectivity that comes behind the camera just blows me away. Kanesha and Chris thank you so much for selecting me to be your wedding photographer.
Kanesha we have come a long way from graduation photos to your wedding day! We went from “Josh I do not like taking photos, to Josh I think I want a bridal session”. You have been a pure joy to not just work with but to know. Your heart is so genuine and I’m thankful to just know you! I know you will continue to elevate in this life and in your marriage. You found a solid brother in Chris, Jessica really did hit it on the head during the toast.
Chris when I met you I just knew you were different, the patience I’ve witness you have as well as just general conversation with your wife is beautiful. Y’all are perfect for each other and I wish you both many years of happiness and success. Let me know when you want to jump in front of the camera again and get your modeling on ha!
I have to give a special shout out to the amazing Jessica Hill!! I wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t even know Kanesha if it wasn’t for you. We truly been the dynamic trio since we met.
I wish you all and your family peace and blessings!